Women's Conference on Spiritual Motherhood

By Kingdom of God Sisters (other events)

Saturday, May 9 2015 9:00 AM 1:00 PM CST

All women (Catholic and non-Catholic) are invited to attend a day conference focusing on the call for all women to Spiritual Motherhood on the Saturday prior to Mother’s Day. This event is for single ladies, wives, mothers, grandmothers, daughters (over the age of 16), godmothers, and just to be clear -all women! The cost includes a fajita lunch at El Guapos in Denton, Texas. Kim Brown, author of Spiritual Lessons along the Camino will be the conference speaker.  The day will include prayer, talks on Spiritual Motherhood, and time for fellowship over lunch with other women.   

Registration by April 9 at Noon is $25

Late Registration April 9 - May 6 is $30

Only 100 tickets are avaiable, we do not forsee the option to purchase tickets at the door.

*Women that need to bring their babies are welcomed to bring them (no childcare is provided). 
*The event is hosted by Kingdom of God Sisters, a civil organization focused on sharing the message of God’s love through evangelization. 

*Contact Kim Brown at [email protected],,, , 940-727-8028 


This event is open only to women (sorry to the men)!  Women can also bing their daughters in high school (recommended 16 and up).  In adition, women that need to bring their babies that are still nursing are welcome to do so.  No childcare is provided.

Mailing Address

PO Box 122 Denton, Texas 76202